Marketing Methods for Senior Entrepreneurs

by Sharon Wagner

Marketing your business can be difficult, no matter your age. It's crucial to use various tactics to spread awareness of your company and its products or services. This article offers several marketing techniques for older entrepreneurs to consider.

Create a Website

Many small businesses don't bother creating a website because they think they don't have enough traffic to warrant it. But you might miss out on leads and opportunities if you opt-out of having one. There are several free or low-cost options for building your site, including WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. And while you can certainly hire someone to build your site from scratch, there are plenty of free DIY guides online that can help.

Participate in Social Media

If you want to market your business on social media, there are many options. Start by asking yourself how your target audience prefers to communicate. Select one or two platforms, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, and become active on them every day.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization -- the art of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engines -- is critical for businesses looking to reach as many potential customers as possible. SEO takes time, but it's worth it; Google, Yahoo, and Bing now make up nearly 90% of all web searches worldwide. Start your SEO efforts by designing an easy-to-read website that loads quickly and includes relevant keywords.

Partner With Other Businesses

One of your competitors may have an audience that overlaps with yours. If you offer a similar product or service, get in touch and see if you can partner on a promotion (or even just a mutually beneficial referral agreement). You may be able to cross-promote your business on social media, share tips with each other's customers, or host joint webinars. Keep in mind that many businesses are more than happy to trade something valuable -- free goods or services -- for customers.

Use Networking Events

Getting out to networking events and letting people know what you're doing is one of the best ways to get referrals. Having a personal touch makes all the difference. Send out handwritten notes after meeting someone at an event; handwritten thank-you cards to clients when they refer you to other prospective clients.

Give Free Samples

Offering free samples is a great way to get people to try what you're offering. Think of these freebies as trials -- once someone has used your product or service and experienced its benefits, chances are they'll be back for more.

Discounts and Coupons

Incentivize customers to spend more money by offering a discount on their next purchase. For example, if you're opening a bakery, offer your customers a coupon for $1 off their next slice of cake. They'll probably come back and buy more.

Sharpen Your Business Skills

Develop your business skills by going back to school and earning an online degree. Whether your program of choice is business management, management and leadership, or marketing, completing an online business degree can help you improve your business acumen.

Build Your Brand

As a senior entrepreneur, you can create personalized relationships with new customers by marketing your business and building brand awareness in your local community.

Visit Safety and Health Foundation, based in Arlington, Virginia, for examples of educational events, training programs, and athletic events.

Sharon Wagner
Image via Pexels