Safety And Health Foundation
Safety And Health Foundation
Our mission and vision
To fulfill our mission,
we assemble selected references from more than 100 publications,
including studies of COVID-19, and
we conduct events to benefit a wide range of charities domestic and overseas
Thank you for participating in our past events
See the list of all past events since Day One of SHF
We hope to see you at our future events!
Our event’s photo wall is on its way, thanks to
Showtime Photo Booth
With 27 unique photo experiences since 2013, they’ve been a hit at events in Canada, the USA and the UK.
The photo wall will be at all our future events, so you can take photos of yourself and your loved ones at our start and finish lines!
Events upcoming in 2025
Saturday, May 3, 2025:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute 22nd annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
| Registration is up'n'running!
Enter on-line
| Express registration
| 8:00 AM marathon, 9:00 AM half marathon
| Completed in 2024!
RFID results
Saturday, September 6, 2025:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
19th Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half
Last chance to qualify for Boston 2026
Register now
Express registration
| 8:00 AM marathon | 9:00 AM half marathon
| Completed in 2024!
| Results
| Awards
Saturday, October 4, 2025:
Georgetown Half Marathon
| Register now
| to support
two charities promoting girls' education:
Mercy Center Foundation
in Kenya
in the Himalayan region of Nepal via
| 9:00 AM half marathon
Completed in 2024!
Saturday, October 18, 2025:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
22½th annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
| 8:00 AM marathon
| 9:00 AM half marathon
Register now
| Express registration
| in memory of
Dean Shulman (1961-2012), founding director of Safety And Health Foundation and
Wendy Martinez (1983-2018)
| Completed in 2024!
Events completed in 2024:
Saturday, October 19, 2024:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
21½th annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
| in memory of
Dean Shulman (1961-2012), founding director of Safety And Health Foundation and
Wendy Martinez (1983-2018)
| 8:00 AM marathon
| 9:00 AM half marathon
| Completed!
Saturday, October 5, 2024:
Georgetown Half Marathon
| to support
two charities promoting girls' education:
Mercy Center Foundation
in Kenya
in the Himalayan region of Nepal via
| 9:00 AM half marathon
Completed in 2024!
Saturday, September 14, 2024:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
18th Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half
| Register now
| 8:00 AM marathon | 9:00 AM half marathon
| Completed!
| Results
August 3, 2024:
Save Lake Accotink 10K, 6:00 PM
| Completed!
| Results
| Awards
Saturday, June 29, 2024:
5K Run/Walk for Refugees
| 8:00 AM Elite 5K, 8:45 AM Open 5K, 9:30 AM Family 3K
| Completed!
| Results
| Awards
Saturday, May 4, 2024:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute 21st annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
| 8:00 AM marathon, 9:00 AM half marathon
| Completed!
RFID results
| May the Fourth be with you!
Sunday, April 21, 2024:
Global Strides 5K - REACH for Uganda
| Completed!
RFID results
Events completed in 2023:
Sunday, December 10, 2023:
Chutzpah Chanukkah 8-mile and 1-mile run/walk
to support
Saturday, October 14, 2023:
Georgetown Half Marathon
to support
two charities promoting girls' education:
Mercy Center Foundation
in Kenya
Himalayan Children's Foundation
in Nepal via
Saturday, October 7, 2023:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
20½th annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
| in memory of
Dean Shulman (1961-2012), founding director of Safety And Health Foundation and
Wendy Martinez (1983-2018)
| Completed! |
Saturday, September 9, 2023:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
17th Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half
| Completed!
| Results
| Awards
Saturday, May 6, 2023:
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute
20th annual Potomac River Marathon & Half
Most of our races run on the scenic, flat C&O Canal Towpath, starting and ending at Fletcher's Cove, 4940 Canal Road, Washington DC
Our marathons are sponsored by
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute -- if it hurts, call ACE first at 703-205-1233
Simone Super Energy™
Read detailed product analysis of
Simone Super Energy™
All SHF events offer you a choice of these SHF-branded awards:
Our safety precautions | PDF
Our emergency response procedures | PDF
Volunteer Instructions
Our 8:00 AM FULL MARATHONS offer cash awards of $250, $150, and $100 to top 3 M/F overall and your choice of awards to the top 3 M/F in age groups 19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over
Our 9:00 AM HALF MARATHONS offer your choice of awards to the top 3 M/F overall and top 3 M/F in the same age groups
When you register for May 4 or October 19, you may also select to join us for dinner at a restaurant in Clarendon the night before for an additional $10
You may take a Red Top Cab ride from the host hotel to the race and back for an additional $10
All three marathons benefit Buy A brick Foundation, Marathon Charity Cooperation,
and DC Capital Striders
The September race benefits Ethio American Athletics Association
All of those charities provide volunteer on the course and aid stations
The October race benefits The Wendy Martinez Legacy Project • Wendy Martinez (1983-2018) was 81st finisher at SHF's Abebe Bikila Day 8:00 AM Half Marathon on September 12, 2015
Our refund policy: We offer refunds only in cases of military deployment, airborne infectious disease, or a death in the family,
but we do offer a generous deferral policy:
Tell us you're deferring so we can pull out your bib number for redeployment
Then simply go to the registration page of any future SHF race you want to defer into
Select Deferral or Transfer from a Previous Race ($10.00)
Consumer warning!
We use for registration, but we dont't like some of its practices. adds $1.25 plus 7.00% processing fee to every registration up to $149.99
Don't buy a MAGAZINE subscription, unless you really want it.
Don't buy ACTIVE ADVANTAGE for $89, unless you plan to run at least 9 races this year, so your $10 discount per race breaks even
Don't buy REGISTRATION PROTECTION unless you're really really sure you won't run the race -- some race directors will gladly provide 100% refunds upon request (I'm speaking for myself)
REGISTRATION PROTECTION must be completed more than 48 before an event. Don't wait till two days before the event
If a race web page offers EXPRESS REGISTRATION, you can jump past where it asks you to create a password for future registrations.
See this page.