
About Aaron Burros

Our guest bib-number presenter on Friday, September 8, from 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM is Aaron Burros.

Here is his story:

In November 2015, Aaron Burros was in a workplace mass shooting.
He fought to stay alive after being shot 5 times while saving his coworkers' lives.
As the blood oozed from his body, this promising professional trail runner saw his future jeopardized.
Although he survived by a mere millimeter, a bullet later remained buried in his right glute muscle, and debilitating PTSD would stalk him forever.
What was he to do?
How could he avoid a minimal life, living only to avoid the shooters still intent on murdering him?

The answer came in the form of an audacious challenge. To save himself, he would reach out to help others on the marathon courses.

You will read how he overcomes the challenges of

  • A severely weakened right glute muscle
  • PTSD that is triggered in several ways
  • The continual grind of running a marathon a week
  • Canceled airlines flights
  • Hotel hassles
  • Reaching remote locations
  • Cancelled races
  • Revising his racing schedule weekly
  • Several family tragedies while ...
  • Encouraging and helping everyone God put in his path

    His tale of mind-boggling challenge loyal servanthood and astonishing resilience

    Medal Monday reveals the audacious lengths we can push our minds bodies and spirits to do what we never imagined.

  • RSVP your copy today to pick up at Pacers on Friday September 8 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM
  • (Quantities at packet pick-up are limited to 100 first-come first-served unless you RSVP in advance)

    Medal Monday: My Quest to Run 50 Marathons in 50 States in 50 Weeks 5 Years After Being Shot 5 times


  • Send $30 (Include name of person to pick up) Pay Running Servant
